Winter Break Resolution

Winter break has come. I have one month of free time. One of friends has picked up the quad-copter project again. He switched to RTOS, which was great news. I have always wanted to try RTOS. I will see how it goes. Besides the quad-copter, two projects I have in mind: First one is USB Unlocker, and second one is RFID tracking.

USB Unlocker is an old idea that I had long time ago. Because I was busy with school, and research, I did not have time to do it. Basically, It is a project that make a USB flash drive be a key to unlock the content in a folder. The unlock means to decrypt the files in the folder. If the right USB is plugged in, the files will be decrypted, and if it is unplugged, they will be encrypted again. To make the user experience smooth, the project will be implemented in kernel space, instead of user space. I think this project can be finished in the break. I will try to make it happen.

Another project RFID tracking is more futuristic, and challenge. Theory itself poses some challenges, let alone the engineering challenge. So the project basically is tracking objects in a distributed environment. Each nodes is assigned RFID. The goal is to determine where each node is by communicating among them. The description of the project is way too general right now, and more research is needed. So, in this break, I will do a feasibility study.

Above is my resolution. Easier said than done. But I have faith.