Jiang Wen (姜文), and Chinese Cultural Problems

Jiang Wen (姜文), is such a fake, pathetic, hopeless film director. He made a film that is so bad that I wanted to laugh when I watched it. I once admired his film. I thought “Let the bullet fly” was a great movie. I was like an adolescent who knew so little. The film is nothing but a hopeless fancy. It perpetuates bad Chinese cultural problems. It is laughable when the main character acts like they are in a game. A laughable game that is pathetic to watch. A game that is overly complicated, and no one was on the same page as what was going on. They thought they knew better. Audience thought they knew better. The mystery, and complicated hidden rules, and intrigue relationships, and wicked motives, were applauded as the gem of cleverness, and the way to achieve heroic victory. Jiang Wen flatters himself so much. Ugliness was everywhere. There is one thing I have to applaud him. He flattered Chinese at the root level: being smart by playing the hidden game. Such an actor in the world, and useless energy being spent on the useless game. A game that is forced on people to play. A game that is miserable and self-mocking.

Jiang Wen perpetuates and amplifies the Chinese cultural problems. The problems like “no one trusts no one”, “there is no clear rule but hidden rules”, “everyone is selfish” No one understands others. No concept of humanity, love, faith, simplicity, logic, eternity, soul and so on. The concepts he knew were wicked games, selfish, hidden rules, unclear motives, betrayals and so on. He laughs at science, and he believes only in the ugliness of humanity. He shows heros conforming to a wicked game. He thinks playing a wicked game is the only way to defeat bad. He thinks human nature was hopeless. He presents medicine for the China and people. He does not know the medicine makes the illness even worse. He gives out fake hopes and wrong medicine. He does not know and cannot know a different world, a different way of thinking is possible. A world in which there is simplicity, righteousness, logic, compasion, love and faith. Life that he knows is so bad and he thinks there is no other ways than conforming to the game and being laughable.