Will and Freedom

Willing is the act of making a decision given choices. Will is the decision the desicion made. What is the determining ground of a will? The “determining ground” in the question means what determines the decision i.e the determining ground is the cause for making X decision given choices X Y, and Z. For example, going to the supermarket, Bob is presented with 3 differnet types of ice cream. Bob picks the ice cream with least sugar. The act of picking an ice cream is willing. Will is the decsion which is picking the ice cream with least sugar. The possible determining ground is being healthy.

Freedom is always free from something. Free from worries. Free from slavery. These are examples. When the determining ground of a will is desiring for external objects, the will is subject to the ever changing nature of the external objects. Freedom of a will is free from external objects, which ascends to the unconditional, in which the will itself is the determining ground.